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Loyds Aviation


Phone (661) 393-1334
Fax (661) 393-0824 - Fax
Address 2813 Hangar Way,
Bakersfield, CA 93308 United States


Bakersfield Jet Center by Loyd's Aviation is the only full-service Fixed Base Operation (FBO) at Meadows Field in Bakersfield, California. We were founded in 1958 and have built a reputation for the best service in the region. In March of 2009 we opened a new front-line facility, Bakersfield Jet Center, which includes a 3.5 acre aircraft parking ramp as well as state-of-the-art customer facilities. Please join us at our new facility to experience our comprehensive aviation services.
â– Fuel and ground services, 24-hours, 365 days a year
â– Aircraft charter
â– Aircraft sales and management
â– Piston and turbine airframe and engine maintenance
â– Aircraft parts
â– Aircraft storage
â– Recreational vehicle storage

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